The 'Me' that waits for God’s Kingdom

July 29th, 2018

ICA Sunday Pulpit Message

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July 29th, 2018

ICA Sunday Pulpit Message

The 'Me' that waits for God’s Kingdom




In the past, I would hear these words about how churches are like this and that. How elders and deacons were like this and that. I was very sensitive to those words inside the church since I oversaw the church. However, I cannot react to it right away. I would reply to myself, what you say is true then the church is not a true church. In the church, a variety of people come and should have people like this and that. Within the people of God, there are renown, lacking, and disease. If someone with discouragement comes, we should encourage them. if someone commits a crime and they come to church, we could forgive them. People come to church to receive healing and restoration in many ways. For that work, God has established the church in this world. Is this true? I heard these words from a pastor, he told me, because I was involved in darakbang organization I would be casted away from that location. However, after 3 years hearing those words, he was sent away and I was able to stay. Later, I heard that now days he doesn’t do his ministry anymore. Long time ago, this deacon who used to come to our church wrote a letter to me about all the management issues within our church. Seeing that I was very sensitive. Long time ago this female deaconess would have sleep over with other female deaconesses in her house. When they were having that sleepover, they would complain about the church. This male deacon who came from out of state, he was telling me how to do my ministry and do my things for the church this way and that way to me and to the church members. Time passed and the pastor who told that I would be cast away from my location because I do darakbang movement is now in a different location and not doing his ministry. The male deacon who wrote me the letter regarding the management of our church doesn’t even go to church now. The female deaconess who would have the sleepovers and complain about the church was called up by God early. The male deacon who told me to do my ministry this way and that way had so much debt that he ran away to Korea. For those who complained about the church, they don’t go to church or do ministry but for us we still need to live our walk of faith. We may lack in many ways however, God allowed us to build this church and do this ministry. How come I am talking about his during our Sunday worship? People could criticize and talk about our lacking and mistakes however, for you and me, we have no worries or concerns. We have no reasons to worry. There is no value behind criticism. When people talk about this and that or when people examine us and criticize us, that only should happen if God doesn’t exist. That state is the state of non-believer. However, for us, as a child of God we are inside of God’s true promise. People of God hold on the covenant this way for that way, we will ultimately fulfill the promise of God. If we face crisis God will perform miracles for us. There is no one to aid us, God will come to our aid. God’s time schedule will be in the flow and his will and plan will be fulfilled. It is invisible to our eyes, but God’s kingdom will come. Do you believe in this? Do you agree? We believe in that God and we must move forward. Our Lord, whom we love, said, do not leave Jerusalem and wait for God’s promise. He taught the kingdom of God for 40 days. What does this mean? God’s promise, the filling of the Holy Spirit will come. The time schedule of the working of the Holy Spirit will come. He was saying that he kingdom of God will come. Inside of the kingdom of God, the word will be fulfilled. The mystery of Christ will be fulfilled. They would experience the filling of the Holy Spirit. The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit will work. That is the kingdom of God. I bless you that the kingdom of God will be upon your field, family, and work. If the kingdom of God does not come, things will not take place. Why? Because the world of darkness exists and is active. When the kingdom of God comes, the darkness will be crumbled. The forces of darkness will crumble. The power of the evil spirit will be casted away. The hidden force of darkness will crumble. Which means, the curses will be resolved. For the people of God, we have the privilege for enjoying the kingdom of God. The things of the world, the curses of the world, you will overcome it. Kingdom of God is not the point where we decide whether we should come or not but, we must enjoy it. The kingdom of God will resolve the 3 curses, sin, Satan, and death. Do you agree? God has called you, so you may see this and enjoy his blessings. It is recorded so you can enjoy the tremendous power of God.


1. Wherever God's child goes, there will be God's kingdom. (The blessing of the triune God, solution to 3 curses)

Wherever the child of God goes, the kingdom of God will be there. You all know Joseph. Even though Joseph was a slave, he enjoyed the kingdom of God. The outer appearance of Joseph was just a servant. The life of Joseph in other eyes was suffering. However, his mindset and heart, he was enjoying the kingdom of God. It is recorded in Genesis 41, the Jehovah God was with Joseph. Joseph enjoyed every moment with God. Whoever he met, he confessed to God. Whatever he did, wherever he went, he requested to God. It was not to the point where he was having a conversation with God but a fellowship with God. As he was enjoying the kingdom of God, what happened? Non-believer, Pharaoh, said, I have never seen anyone that was filled with the glory of God. Because Joseph was enjoying the kingdom of God, the non-believer King Pharaoh confessed to Joseph. He had the answer. He had no reason to worry. There is no reason for him to exert his own opinion. He had no reason to dispute. If God doesn’t exist, then we should dispute with others. However, since God exist and we can enjoy the kingdom of God then we have no reason to do those things. Joseph did not worry that he was away from his parents and suffering as a slave. He did not give his own opinion regarding false accusations. He didn’t dispute saying, I help you but how come you are betraying me? He found all the will and plan of God inside all things. If you remain in that life, no one can overcome you. if you look Exodus 3 God says to Moses, with my almighty hand, I will be with you. So, go and give blood sacrifice. From there on, no one could overcome Moses. With God’s promise the kingdom of God was with Moses. Is this true? Also, 1Samuel what does it say? It is recorded that he words of Samuel never fell to the ground. The kingdom of God was upon Samuel’s ministry and soul. God’s spirit was upon him and the Holy Spirit was working upon him. It is recorded in 1Samuel 16, Samuel ordains and prays for David. From that day, the spirit of God was glorified. Even though, David was a shepherd running his errands, he received the blessing of becoming a King. When he was working as a shepherd, he seeks God. It was an errand that was given by his brothers but it was word that he did before God. Because I am working for God, I should not lose any of my flock. When the beasts come, I will protect my flock from those beasts. He received power and strength to protect the flocks from the beasts. He praised God and wrote songs. Half of the book of Psalms are written by David. To that point, that is evidence that he enjoyed the kingdom of God. We saw this message last week. Even though he was a shepherd, he did his work before God and was able to enjoy the kingdom of God and later was called as a king. The lamb the flocks he took care of them before God. God seeing that, God entrusted the people to David. I’m not saying that David was a renown individual. I’m not saying that David was loyal. I’m not saying that David was outstanding. The almighty God entrusted the kingdom of God to David. The almighty God gave the blessings from the kingdom of God to David. From that point on, the spirit of God was moved. Is this true? In 2Kings it states that, give me double portion of the spirit. To Elijah the kingdom of God was upon him so he was able to do the Dothan movement. I bless you that the work that you do, the kingdom of God will be upon it. Not to the point where you have blessings regarding you living but, to the point where non-believers will see you and recognize the kingdom of God inside of you. The individuals in the bible enjoyed the kingdom of God. Isaiah 61 says, the smallest will inherit thousands, the weak will inherit the nation. How is this possible? Because the kingdom of God was with him. Every morning you need to seek the kingdom of God. The things I see, the things I hear and know, the kingdom of God will be with it. Then you will form thousands. We are weak however, we will inherit the nation. Jesus taught the kingdom of God to his disciples for 40 days. This is the last work and ministry that Jesus performed. He was delivering the work of the kingdom of God. You and I have been called so we can enjoy the kingdom of God. Even now, God wants to give us the blessings of the kingdom of God. Already, the kingdom of God is inside of us so we need to expand that within our field. What happens when the kingdom of God comes? Just like todays title, all we need to do is wait for the kingdom of God. Not like shamans and wait for spirits to come by standing on knifes, shouting, and banging on the drums. All we must do is hold on to the word, remain inside of the word and know that I am a child of God, I am a person of the covenant, that God will guide me, and God already knows my problem and incidents, so God will open my spiritual eyes and see his plans. Holding on to that, all we must do is wait. Where ever the children of God go, the kingdom of God will be with them. As we wait, we will receive the greatest field.


2. When God's child waits, the greatest answer will come. (Greatest Field, Greatest work, Greatest answer)

When the child of God waits, the greatest answer will come. What are the greatest answers? It is the greatest field, work, and answers. Think about this carefully. You will see that the 7 remnants in the bible all stood before a king. To save the world, which is the summit, they stood before a king. When you can meet someone in a great position, people applaud you. if you stand before the president, that is the greatest field. that is why apostle Paul said that he must stand before Caesar. To receive the greatest field, Paul waited for the greatest answer. Which means that God will raise you up. For those who wait and seek the kingdom of God, the greatest field will come to them. I bless you that you will receive that answer. To stand before a king, you need to something to show. God will entrust the greatest work to you. For Moses, God entrusted the Pentateuch. God has entrusted the first 5 books of the bible to Moses to overcome the power of the world. There are many contents inside the 66 books in the bible. You will see many truth and wisdom of God. God’s truth all began with the 5 books of the bible. Which means, Moses received the greatest blessings. He recorded the blessings inside the first 5 books of the bible. What about Samuel? What great works did he leave behind? He was able to overcome the philistines immediately. It says that while Samuel was alive, the wars all stopped. This is something a mankind can do. It was God’s answers and works. I bless you that wherever you go, you will receive this answer. David who recorded Psalms 73. He left the greatest praise. Seems like the book of Psalms is just a book of song but, there are important message behind this. One theologian who studied and researched the book of Psalms said that, many things coincide with the things that took place in the future. Other theologians say that there is a code or key in the book of Psalms. One researcher said that the book of Psalms has prophecy of great nations falling and raising. It is not a simple poem book. It was God’s work was recorded in the book of Psalms. What about the evangelist of the early church? It was an apostle that encouraged the saints and teaching the saints. That all became the new testament. The new testament is not a PHD assortment. It was the fellowship inside their hearts they wrote. It was a confession of faith given by God. God has done those works with them. the early church members enjoyed and was with the kingdom of God. I bless you that you will leave the greatest work behind in your life. The answers that you will relay will become the greatest answer. Joseph to King Pharaoh gave the solution for that age. Moses gave the historic answer to King Pharaoh. To the Israelites, he gave them the answer of salvation. Prophet Samuel gave the Mizpah movement. David overcame Goliath and gave answer. The war is not within the swords. It belongs to God. David relayed that answer to the whole world. There were many individuals of faith inside the age of Babylon. Daniel and his 3 friends possessed the answers, non-believers had no choice but to serve them. Many church members of the early church relayed the answers to the people of the world. You will give the greatest answers with the greatest work in the greatest field. This is not something the individuals in the bible were able to do. There is a strong will of God that he wants to fulfill these things inside of your life. To those who enjoy the kingdom of God he wants to give them this answer. Because the answer will come, whatever situation you are in, just wait. Wait for the kingdom of God. God’s blessing will come. With faith and boldness, wait for him. Pray as you wait. As you anticipate, wait. Wait with preparation. Especially to our church members, I will give few specific answers. During worship, don’t come and go, hold on to his word. At first it is not something you are familiar with so just hold on to one word. For example, on July 22 we talked about the future, so hold on to the word future. The last week of July was hot however, we talked about the kingdom of God, so hold on to kingdom of God. As you do that, the flow of the word will appear in the 52 weeks. From the beginning of 2018 we talked about determination for 8 weeks. After that, the next 8 weeks we talked about healing. After that, the next 8 weeks we talked about summit. You need to see that flow. As you see that flow, you need to wait. We cannot memorize the whole message. Even for me, as I prepare, I cannot memorize them all. As time goes by I’m surprised. I prepared the message and recorded it. As I meditate on the word I prepared the message. I recorded this as I prayed. As time passed and I listen to the message again, time to time I question myself, when did I give this message? Its not just once or twice. I realized whether I shout or say the message in a calm way, God will be in control of the message. So, you need to find the flow of the message. Start from holding on to one word or term. Then your life will completely change. Why? Because God will touch his people who hold on to the word. God will change your soul. When your soul is filled with the holy spirit, your mind and your heart will change. Truly your disease will heal. A pastor who as the gift to heal others by one touch heals your disease, the disease will come back to you again. When you sway back and forth in faith, evil spirit will attack you again. However, as you listen to the message continuously and prepare your vessel, the evil spirit will flee. There is no space for the evil spirit to come back. The power of poverty who made you suffer and experience hardship will not return. Then you will realize on your own that you did not do this, but it was done by God and answered by God. You will realize that. Especially all of you who attending today’s pulpit message, find today’s word. Then your life will completely change. When you can hold on to the word, you need to train yourself. I’m not saying go and receive training, you need to do it on your own. What I’m saying is that you need to train yourself personally. You need to complete this one mission on your own. As you can train yourself to be in the flow of the message, train yourself to complete this one mission. It is good for you to listen 1 message per day or reading the bible or taking you own time to pray to God. What I’m saying is, you need to make the time to train yourself to focus to God. For myself, in the morning I would read the prayer journal and organize it in my way and send it to about 300-400 people. 100 people in America and 300 people in Korea. Because I was sending the message so many times, my eyes started to hurt. My wife suggested that I should form them in to groups. Later, I formed them in to groups. I form them into 4-5 groups and I was able to send the message quickly. When I put them in to groups there were some that left the group. People who have the covenant will not block those who will come or go. I think personally, some people leave because they do not want to receive message from a pastor who is younger than me and it hurts their pride. I made a group chat with the pastors in America and Korea. I saw serval of them leave. I can’t do anything about that. There are 4 people who would like the message sent to them personally instead of the large group chat. For an hour or two, I make my work for that day. Inside the prayer journal there are many good contents, but they use many terminologies only the darakbang organization use. There are terms an average person would not understand. That is why I modify some of the words and introduce them. This is my mission that I complete every day. I do it if its raining, snowing, or when my internet is down, and I go to a place where there is internet. Even if I go to conferences or synod, I make sure do to my work then go to sleep. I complete my mission when I mad or happy. Even if I fight with my wife, I make sure I do my mission and then go to sleep. That is the line that I hold on to with God. Wherever I go or fall, I hold on to that line with God. Then God will embrace everything and restore everything for me. With that, you can have victory. When you are used to doing your personal training, you should do this; there is a field that you work in, you need to find your own disciple. Pray for that. There are disciples that will absolutely receive salvation through you. Who is the expert in chess or in Asia the game “Goes” who is more expert? They can see next moves ahead of time in the game. God can see the future and the next moves in our lives. There is a reason why God has saved you. There is a reason why God allowed you to hold on to the Gospel. It is because God has allowed and prepared an individual who will receive salvation through you. God has prepared an individual that will hear the word of God through you. if you can taste this blessing, it is tremendous. Then you will feel this zeal inside of you. This is the walk of faith. We all know our lacking. Despite that, God is using me. That experience can overcome any experiences in the world. The flow of the word inside worship. Completing mission daily. The grace to discover disciple in your field. As you do this, wait for the kingdom of God. Then God will answer you and bless you more than you had imagined and prayed for. Then you can confess that God is an abundant God. God has prepared this answer and this blessing. God is more than enough. God will give us over flowing of answers. You will about to testify that. I bless you that you will have victory.


3. Those who wait for God's child, will never have failure. (Slavery/Captivity/Colonization - World Evangelization)

For those who wait for the kingdom of God will never fail. The bible explains that. It doesn’t matter if you are a slave, captive, or if you are colonized. Those who wait for the kingdom of God and wait for the covenant, God’s plans and wills will be fulfilled. God’s will and plan will be fulfilled through them. You must remember and do not forget, in ever age and time, without no expectation, those who held on to the covenant and waited for the kingdom of God were blessed. This is the promise that is given to you through today’s worship. Halleluiah. Confess this to the person sitting next to you, let us wait for the kingdom of God. In your family and your work place, the kingdom of God will be with you. let us wait for the kingdom of God as we are in the flow of the word. Let us wait for the kingdom of God as we complete the mission of the day. Let us wait for the kingdom of God as we discover disciples.


Let us pray,

Almighty father God I give you thanks. To your precious people of God, as they wait for the kingdom of God, may you bless them. Help them to receive the greatest field. Help them to discover the greatest work. God who has given us evidence through the holy spirit. I believe those who have faith and held on to the covenant for the kingdom of God will be blessed by you. Help us to wait as we hold on the flow of the pulpit message. Help us to wait as we complete mission of the day. Help us to wait as we do the evangelist movement and save others. I believe that you will give us the answers more than our expectation. I pray in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.